Holistic & Natural Health Practitioner epiphany-health@comcast.net

I’m a Traditional Naturopath and admittedly I didn’t know what a Naturopath was until I started my own Naturopathic education. In my last post, I talked about why I wanted a Naturopath on my health care dream team http://epiphany-health.com/2016/08/24/health-care-dream-team/, but wanted to elaborate on why that is the case and why we each need a Naturopath.

As a Traditional Naturopath, I get to work with clients on their health issues with a focus on identification of the root cause in order to make health improvement suggestions using natural remedies. In this role I have the responsibility of listener, herbalist, homeopath, iridologist, advocate, optimist, researcher, ‘dot connector’ and problem-solver. http://www.prevention.com/health/why-you-should-see-a-naturopath

My training as a Traditional Naturopath includes everything from food, minerals, herbs, homeopathics, and essential oils to reflexology, parasites, heavy metal toxicity, magnets, and sound and color therapy. It’s a very extensive 4-year program of study providing a broad base of numerous healing modalities http://naturopathicinstitute.info/nite/academics/programs/natural-health-naturopathic-classes/.

Keep in mind that clients rarely engage me at the beginning of a health crisis – I don’t get a lot of calls for support with the basics. I am typically engaged usually after a lot of other attempts have been tried or by the time clients are on so many medications that the conventional medical paradigm just doesn’t work for them anymore. Frankly, this is exactly why I found my first natural health practitioner too http://epiphany-health.com/about/.

Since I’m engaged later in a health crisis, it can take more effort to understand what started the illness trajectory. This requires listening to the whole story as typically it developed over time, researching medication side effects and the associated nutritional deficiencies, having conversations about food, emotions, and lifestyle and identifying the best natural remedy program in order to peel back that proverbial onion. When clients find me they’ve already tried lots of approaches for healing so we frequently have to undo previous work to get to the root cause together. This work can be slow but with patience clients can get farther.

So, why we each need a Naturopath is that they play a unique role in working with individuals on their health issues. Naturopaths go way beyond just identifying which supplement to address a symptom, as the value in engaging a Naturopath is taking a larger view of your health issue, identification of the root cause, and developing a comprehensive program and vision to help you feel good again.

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